EVA membership

This page explains how your voluntary or community group can become a member of Enfield Voluntary Action.

The application form is at the end. Please read the information on this page carefully before you apply – you will need to confirm that you have read and understood this information.

We offer support to help you become a member organisation

If you are worried that you don’t meet the requirements for membership at the moment, don’t worry.

EVA will support any eligible Enfield group to help you make your application and to develop your organisation to progress from Introductory to Full membership. We can offer one-to-one support, training opportunities and model policy document templates to help you.

If you would like our help, please fill in the application form below as far as you can – the information will help us see where the gaps are.

In the section marked Documents, please choose the option: “Some or none of the above. We would like support to develop our organisation.”

We will get in touch with you to discuss how we can support you to help you become an EVA member.

Making an application

Who can apply?
Full Membership
Associate Membership
Introductory Membership
After you have made your application
Reasons for not granting membership
Making an application

Who can apply?

All charitable, voluntary and community groups providing services to residents in the London borough of Enfield are eligible to become Full, Associate, or Introductory members of EVA. 

Membership of EVA is free of charge.

EVA will allocate your membership category according to the answers you give on the form. 

You will be asked to upload a copy of your governing document (only a draft is required for Introductory members) and your most recent year end accounts or income and expenditure statement. 

To become a Full or Associate member you will be asked to upload a set of required policies. The full criteria are set out below.

Full membership

Full membership is for any community organisation with charitable aims, independent of local or central government control, providing at least 80% of its services to Enfield residents, and with all required policies in place.

Full membership confers rights to nominate and vote on EVA’s trustees, and to vote on the accounts and any changes to EVA’s constitution.

All Full members are eligible to promote their services and activities on our Enfield Social Activities directory.

The minimum requirements are

  • An appropriate governing document.
  • A management committee / board of trustees or directors with at least three members
  • Equal opportunities policy
  • Safeguarding policy
  • Health and safety policy
  • Data protection policy.
  • A copy of the most recent year end accounts.

EVA can supply appropriate sample templates for policies which are not yet in place.

Groups based in London borough of Enfield, but with a London-wide or national remit according to their governing document, may be eligible for Associate membership – see below – but will not be eligible for Full membership.

Associate membership

Associate membership is for any community organisation with charitable aims, independent of local or central government control, providing some services to Enfield residents (but less than 80% of its services), and with all required policies in place.

Associate members will not have rights to nominate and vote on EVA’s trustees, and to vote on the accounts and any changes to EVA’s constitution.

All Associate members are eligible to be part of Simply Connect Enfield.

The minimum requirements are

  • An appropriate governing document.
  • A management committee / board of trustees or directors of at least three members.
  • Equal opportunities policy.
  • Safeguarding policy.
  • Health and safety policy.
  • Data protection policy.
  • A copy of the most recent year end accounts.

Introductory membership

Introductory membership is for any community organisation with charitable aims, and providing 80% of its services to Enfield residents, which does not yet have all required policies in place. EVA will work with groups in this category to support their development to Full membership.

The minimum requirements are

  • A management committee of at least three members, and
  • A draft governing document
  • Income and expenditure statement.

After you have made your application

We will contact you if we need any further information about your organisation.

Your application will be referred to the EVA trustees for approval.

We will write to you confirming whether your application is successful and, if so, the category of membership that has been agreed for your organisation.

Reasons for not granting membership

It may, on occasion, be necessary for EVA’s trustees to turn down an application for membership. The reasons will be explained in writing to you in full and, if appropriate, you will have an opportunity to provide further information.

Reasons an application may be turned down include:

  • An organisation fails to produce the required policies as outlined in the above process.
  • An organisation is involved in activities likely to cause undue controversy or damage to the reputation of EVA or of the voluntary and community sector in the London borough of Enfield.
  • An organisation is involved in activities that are incompatible with their role as a voluntary or community organisation e.g. using a charity status to run as a private or for-profit business.
  • The financial probity of an organisation is unclear.
  • The aims and activities of an organisation conflict with the aims and objectives of Enfield Voluntary Action.
EVA membership application
If you are unable to complete this form in one go, you can save it and return to it later. Click SAVE at the bottom of the form and a link to go back to the form will be sent to your email address.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
I would like to apply for membership of EVA on behalf of my organisation
Your name
Please confirm that your organisation covers Enfield
How much of your services are provided to Enfield residents?
The name of the main contact person for your organisation
Your organisation's postal address, including full postcode
The organisation is a…

Simply Connect Enfield

Simply Connect Enfield is an online searchable directory of local voluntary and community sector services and activities that provides public information for Enfield residents who would like to find local activities.

Find out more about Simply Connect

Would you like to register your organisation on Simply Connect Enfield?


Please select which documents / accounts / policies your organisation has in place and can upload here.

We require all six documents for Full or Associate membership.

If you do not have all six, we will still consider you for Introductory membership and support you to develop appropriate policies so that you can upgrade your membership level.

Which documents does your organisation have?
Will you be able to upload these documents?
You will need to have your documents in a format that can be uploaded online, for example Word files or PDF files
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 7 files.
You can upload Word documents, Open Document equivalents or PDF files

What is 7 + 4?

This shows us you are a real person and protects us from spam.

We will contact you if we need any further information about your organisation.

Your application will be referred to the EVA trustees for approval.

We will write to you confirming whether your application is successful and, if so, the category of membership that has been agreed for your organisation.

Thank you for applying to be a member of EVA.

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