Equalities monitoring

EVA equalities monitoring for training, meetings and events
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Why we collect equalities information

This form is important – it gives us the information we need to find out whether our services are reaching different sections of Enfield’s diverse local community. It helps us identify any gaps and to improve where necessary

Your equalities information is anonymous – we do not ask for your name or organisation.

All questions are optional but we do appreciate your feedback. Our funders also ask us for equalities information.

Date and time of the event

About you – anonymised information

Do you live in the London borough of Enfield?
This helps us find out whether we are contributing to the skills development of Enfield residents
Your gender
This helps us find out more about the gender of the people using our services and whether we need to do more to reach different sections of the population
Your age
This helps us find out more about the age of people in the local voluntary sector and whether we should do more to reach different age groups
Do you have a disability that limits you in your daily life?
This helps us find out whether our services are accessible to disabled people.
Would you define yourself as LGBTQ?
This helps us find out whether our services are reaching people who are LGBTQ and whether we need to do more to reach different sections of the population
Race and ethnicity
You can explain in more detail in the box below if you wish
This is where you can tell us how YOU define your race, ethnicity or heritage. It gives us more detailed information about who is using our services and helps us find out whether our services are reaching all communities.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form – we really appreciate it.

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