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Request EVA support
Request EVA support
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I would like to request support from EVA for my community or voluntary organisation
I confirm that my organisation delivers at least 80% of its services to Enfield residents
Your name
Your organisation
If you are starting a new group and have not yet given it a name, please write “To be confirmed”.
Your position in the organisation
Trustee, board or management committee member
Chief executive
If you chose other, please state your position in the organisation
Your email
Your phone number
If you would prefer us to contact you by phone, please fill in your phone number
What would you like support with?
Starting a new group
Financial management (eg budgeting, accounts, HMRC, gift aid etc.)
Governance (eg management committee or board, constitution or “memorandum and articles”, legal structures, managing an organisation etc)
Charity or company registration
Policies and procedures (eg data protection, health and safety, safeguarding, equal opportunities)
Finding volunteers for your organisation
How to manage volunteers (eg recruiting, retaining and supporting volunteers, volunteer policies etc)
Advertising your activities and services
Choose as many as you like
Tell us a bit more about how we can help you so we can make sure the right person gets in touch with you
Where did you hear about Enfield Voluntary Action (EVA)?
Had support from EVA before
EVANEWS or EVA mailing
EVA staff member
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Online search
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